This policy applies to all Officer Trainees undertaking full time college study as part of their cadet training programme, whose training is managed by the SSTG.
As an officer trainee, your leave is already structured around your college and other training commitments. Obviously, the colleges have set periods when everyone goes home and these will be known to you well in advance. Occasionally, these dates may need to be changed, either by the college for some reason, or because some circumstances of your own might cause you to take a different course or college phase. Whatever the reason, SSTG will provide you with details of any revised arrangements at the earliest opportunity.
If you want to take leave at any other time, you’ll need to speak to your Training Officer well in advance. However, your training commitments come first and if these clash with your proposed leave, I’m afraid there’s no guarantee that your leave request will be granted.
Updated: 14 May 2024