ENG 1 Medical Certificates


It is a SSTG requirement that you hold a valid Unrestricted Seafarer Medical Certificate (ENG 1) at all times whilst under training.

Throughout your career at sea it is your responsibility to ensure that you make arrangements to take a further medical prior to the expiry of the previous certificate. This means thinking ahead. If you are about to embark on a three month voyage and your current certificate only has two months to run, you will need to undertake another medical examination before you join your next ship.

To view the full list of MCA Approved doctors and medical centres across the UK click on the link below that is relevant to where you reside. This will take you to the official government listing.

MCA Approved doctors listed in ENGLAND

MCA Approved doctors listed in SCOTLAND

MCA Approved doctors listed in WALES

MCA Approved doctors listed in NORTHERN IRELAND

Contact the most convenient surgery to book an appointment. Make sure you tell them you require an ENG 1 Medical. The doctor will also need to know whether you are training to be a Deck, Engineer or ETO Officer.

The cost will be approximately £ 115.00, but this will be reimbursed once you start training.

SSTG trainees will be reimbursed with the cost of undertaking the examination once you commence training and provided the general principles of submitting expense claims are followed.

You should keep the original certificate yourself but a copy should always be sent to your sponsoring company and the SSTG for there records.

Updated:   22nd February 2023.